2012 summer bucket list.

here’s the list of things i want to do this summer. marking them off as i go! if you have your own bucket list, please share the link in the comments below, or comment with your list if you don’t have a blog!

1. go camping.  went to altamont 6/30/12 went to beth lake on 8/11/12

2. grow a plant. (err.. keep a plant alive) bought the easiest to keep alive plant ever–living stones–on 8/4/12

3. take a cooking class with marshall. took a caribbean cooking class on 7/5/12

4. visit another country.  went to costa rica 7/18/12-7/28/12

5. swim. swam in st. george on 6/22/12

6. buy art.  bought the labyrinth original artwork by kat martin on 6/16/2012

7. have a picnic. had one at liberty park with bloggers on 6/30/12

8. cross the monkey bars. 

9. read a book.  read “gone girl” while in costa rica. also started “sharp objects”.

10. pay it forward. 

11. road trip. st. george and vegas! 6/22/12-6/24/12

12. farmers market.  6/16/2012

13. eat at three new brunch spots. #1: bear paw cafe on 6/24/12, #2 z’tejas on 7/7/12, #3 bread & chocolate on 7/26/12 (in costa rica)

14. bikram.  7/8/12 with kerryne

15. blogger potluck. 6/30/12

16. make coconut ice cream. 

17. like my arms.   rock climbing on 7/14/12 helped this a lot! RX+ week drove this home.. i like them. dare i say a lot?

18. mow the lawn.  done 8/19/12

19. hike.  hiked in the jungle of manzanillo on 7/25/12 (costa rica) hiked pipeline on 8/15/12

20. walk the dogs.  we have been walking them on the warm summer nights as much as possible!

21. ride motorcycle to ruth’s diner.  went on 8/5/12 and it was so fun! i am loving the motorcycle :)

22. game night.  played phase 10 with friends on 7/19/12, 7/20/12 (costa rica)

23. wakeboarding. (might not happen in the summer but will for SURE happen in september! boating trip planned!)

24. rock climbing. went on 7/14/12 cannot wait to go again

25. bike.  6/16/2012 biked to barnes & noble and around town solo. went again on 7/15/12.

26. donate old, unused belongings.  got rid of SO MANY CLOTHES!

27. eat a tin foil dinner. ate one on 8/25/12

28. go to lagoon. went on 7/13/12

29. enjoy the backyard. <–getting there! we had the landscaper come and now just have to get the grass to grow (and then i can mow it.. see #18)

30. make dutch oven peach cobbler. made it while camping on 8/11/12

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please use the comments below to tell me how your bucket list crossing-off is going!!!

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{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }

Calee June 12, 2012 at 6:08 am

I’m totes stealing the idear to make a page instead of a category! I didn’t think to do that. I need to make better use of WordPress’s page option!


Jenna Z June 12, 2012 at 9:13 am

I have a pretty short long-term fitness bucket list but this summer, since it’s an Olympics summer, I am making that my theme! I am going to try out the majority of Summer Olympic sports. First up is a canoeing trip!


Carly June 12, 2012 at 1:58 pm

I linked up with you! Love this!


Kate June 14, 2012 at 8:59 pm
MCM Mama June 15, 2012 at 7:52 pm

Great list! I’m so going to create one next week!


eryka June 21, 2012 at 10:30 am

I linked up with you too! Here’s my list. I’m excited to get started!


Hillary [Nutrition Nut on the Run] July 5, 2012 at 8:34 pm

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