finding my path to healthy.

by Janetha on September 14, 2012

in guest posts

hi! i am still in lake las vegas enjoying my family vacation. i have a special post for you today from erin. enjoy!!


Hey everyone! Janetha recently put out the call for guest bloggers and as a meals & moves reader and fellow FitFluential Ambassador I was really excited to get to spend some time on her blog and introduce myself to all of you!

My name is Erin, I am 21 years old, a senior in college majoring in marketing, and as of this month, a year-long vegetarian! I started my blog Girl Gone Veggie last year to share my life and my journey to health with the world. If you knew me when I was younger you would have never guessed I would become a vegetarian later in life. While I never ate a ton of meat I hated fruits and most vegetables until I was 18 years old. I ate a lot of fast food, didn’t live a very active life, and it showed.

Last year I made the decision to start thinking critically about what I was putting into my body, and whether those foods benefited or hindered my health. I banned trans fats from my life and started eating boatloads of fruits and veggies. It’s crazy to think I now crave them.

It has been a fun journey, with me learning and growing a lot along the way. Recently I’ve added a new chapter to my quest for health. It involves me busting my butt and pumping some iron to look good for a very special white dress I’m going to be wearing next July. :D

In June I got engaged to the most incredible guy in the world. Josh and I have been dating for two years and I am over the moon excited to get to marry him. He’s my best friend, my confidant, my biggest supporter, and the love of my life. I enjoy blogging for many reasons, but one of the greatest is getting to capture all of our fun adventures and memories together and store them for the future. (As long as I remember to keep paying for my blog domain name and web hosting! ;p)

I’ve been blogging about all of our wedding planning and am finding the process to be so incredibly fun.
There’s definitely stressful moments but when I keep the big picture in perspective it’s hard to feel anything but lucky. You can read how Josh proposed here. It’s a moment I’ll never forget.

We are really lucky to have an amazing wedding photographer who took engagement photos for us. We had so much fun throughout the shoot and were blown away by the photos.

Looking at the pictures made me realize as healthy as I feel, I can be healthier. I’m happy with my size but I would like to add more definition to my body. I want to be toned and fit on my big day. That’s led me to create #operationfitbride. I hope future brides see the hashtag on my Twitter and know that there are people out there cheering them on to get fit and look their best on their big day. I also use it to hold myself accountable to my fitness goals. To me, my wedding day is the start of the rest of my life. I want to start out that new life healthy, and keep it that way for the rest of my life.

And that’s me and where I’m at in my life, in a blog post. Constantly changing, constantly growing, constantly looking to better myself. Thanks for letting me share my story with you. And a big thanks to Janetha for sharing her space on the internet with me!

Question of the Day:

Tell me about you! I am always looking for new blogs to follow and new cool people to read about and get to know.

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Simone September 14, 2012 at 11:15 am

Hi! my name is simone and I blog over at Simone’s edible adventures… I just started blogging about 2 weeks and want to document my new adventure of becoming a registered and certified holistic nutritionist :), i’m still trying to get the hang of things but feel free to come say hi!

Erin @ Girl Gone Veggie September 14, 2012 at 5:45 pm

Oh that’s incredible! Congrats on all those big goals! I’ll definitely stop by and follow along on your journey!

Michelle @ Eat Move Balance September 14, 2012 at 11:47 am

Nice post! I’m a teacher and working on becoming a certified health coach. I blog at

Congrats on your engagement! What an exciting time. I got married a little over a year ago . . . it was the best time of my life. Even though it can get a bit stressful, slow down and enjoy every moment. :)

Erin @ Girl Gone Veggie September 14, 2012 at 5:49 pm

Aw thank you so much! And congrats on working on becoming a health coach and being married for a year! Do you have wedding stuff on your blog? If so I’m totally going to have to head over there and check it out! Wedding stuff is like crack to me at the moment! ;p

Claire @ Live and Love to Eat September 14, 2012 at 12:27 pm

Congrats to you – I think we all are constantly working on improving our health. You two are adorable!

Erin @ Girl Gone Veggie September 14, 2012 at 5:22 pm

Aw thank you so much! Yeah, I think the journey is half the fun! :)

Katie @ Talk Less, Say More September 14, 2012 at 1:33 pm

Congrats on your engagement and your journey to health! I’ve been vegetarian for over 10 years now (!!!) and it’s been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life.

Erin @ Girl Gone Veggie September 14, 2012 at 5:19 pm

Wow, congrats girly! That is amazing. And thank you so much! Going vegetarian has been one of the best things I’ve done too! I can’t wait to say nine years from now that I’ve been one for ten years. :)

Erin @ erinberries September 14, 2012 at 1:38 pm

Awesome! My name is Erin. I write at Erin Berries. ( I’m documenting my weight loss journey of a goal to lose over 50 pounds. I’ve lost 22 so far! :)

Erin @ Girl Gone Veggie September 14, 2012 at 5:10 pm

Woohoo!! You go girl!! I’m so excited to get to follow your journey! And yay for name twins! haha

Dana @Muscles, Miles, and Meals September 14, 2012 at 1:43 pm

What a wonderful story! Fitness has always been a passion of mine, but it wasn’t until the last few years that I really started to change my eating habits to fuel my body with the best foods possible. Working out has always been the easy part for me, but the more I learn the easier it is to change my eating habits. I blog about all of this over at Good luck to you!

Erin @ Girl Gone Veggie September 14, 2012 at 5:59 pm

Aw thank you so much! And how funny we both approached fitness from the opposite angle but it’s leading to the same place! I’ll definitely be checking out your blog to follow your journey!

Ellen Clifford September 14, 2012 at 8:37 pm

Wow congrats on the vegetarianism and engagement! I have been a vegetarian since the age of 12 and never once felt the urge to eat meat again so it’s great to hear about other people enjoying the change.
Also congrats on the beautiful photography in your engagement pics.
I write about my cooking as well as sometimes the random things going on in my acting career over at Scrumptious Gruel:
Named that because my food is not always perfectly pretty, I.e. the Gruel part, but I do strive scrumptiousness…
I will have to check out your site:)

Erin @ Girl Gone Veggie September 15, 2012 at 8:31 am

Thank you so much! Josh and I are so excited! I love how he’s a vegetarian too, it makes me really happy to be a part of a vegetarian household. :D

Oh I love the name of your blog! I’ll definitely have to check it out!

Sam @ Better With Sprinkles September 15, 2012 at 3:47 pm

Congrats on the engagement! That’s definitely really exciting – and I love the operationfitbride idea. I’m not at that stage yet myself but I know when I get there I’ll be hoping to tone up a little bit too.

I’m Sam, a 22 year old criminology grad student. I’m a health nut, a fitness junkie, a foodie and chocolate. I blog over at, about my daily desire to balance eating well and keeping active with an occasional sugary indulgence, after recovering from an eating disorder that robbed me of health and happiness for years.

Erin @ Girl Gone Veggie September 16, 2012 at 11:00 am

Thank you so much! And I love your blog name! Way to go on overcoming your ED!

Jam September 16, 2012 at 1:43 pm

Hi Erin,

Good to read your post. Congrats on the engagement! What is a Fitfluential ambassidor? My name is Jam and I blog at
Be fit. Eat good.
It’s about trying to adopt a clean eating lifestyle while still feeding a picky husband. At first he didn’t like the “healthy foods” so I was challenged to find recipes and different food staples both of us agree on. How has your fiance liked the new foods you have been trying in the past year?

Erin @ Girl Gone Veggie September 16, 2012 at 6:37 pm

Hello! Thank you so much! Josh and I are so excited to be engaged! And I will definitely be checking out your blog, eating clean is such a great challenge. I got really lucky in that Josh is a vegetarian as well so he’s been pretty open to new foods with lots of veggies and fruits in them. Even when he doesn’t like something he’s a pretty good sport. ;p

Fitfluential is a community of people looking to motivate and inspire each other to reach their fitness goals. I definitely recommend checking it out! Being an ambassador is taking on an extra role of leading by example and being a mentor! :)

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